July 29, 2012

Tot-School Summer Fun

Summer Fun Book List
Take Me Out to the Ball Game by Mark Meyers
You Are My Sunshine by Caroline Jayne Church
Swim! by Marilyn Brigham
Emily's Balloon by Komako Sakai
Yummy Ice Cream by Emma Quay
Bubble Trouble by Mary Packard
Maisy Makes Lemonade by Lucy Cousins
Swimming is Fun by Kathleen Amant
Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton
I Love You, Sun I Love You, Moon I by Karen Pandell
Balloons Balloons Balloons by Dee Lillegard

Summer Fun Tot-Tubs

Tot-Tub #1 (top left) Scoop Ice Cream
I showed T how to use his ice cream scoop and scoop the pom-pom ice cream scoops into the muffin tin.

Tot-Tub #2 (top right) Summer Fun Stickers
I had a bunch of sticker (watermelon, ice cream, bubbles, baseball, etc.) for T to stick on his paper.

Tot-Tub #3 (middle) Watermelon File Folder Game
I printed out the Watermelon File Folder Game and cut out the pieces for T to match up with the watermelons.  The child counts how many seeds on each watermelon and matches up the correct number, but T doesn't recognize his numbers yet so he just matched up the red part of the watermelon to the green part.

Tot-Tub #4 (bottom left) Cutting Fruit      
I put his wooden Melissa & Doug Fruit Cutting Set in his tot-tub.  He has loved this activity since he could sit up on his own.

Tot-Tub #5 (bottom right) Bubble Gun
I gave T some bubbles and a bubble gun to shoot bubble bombs in the air.

Hand Print Sunshine

  • Paper plate
  • Yellow paint
  • Paint brush
  • Black marker
  • Yellow, orange and gold construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  1. Paint the paper plate yellow and leave to dry. 
  2. Trace around your child's hand onto the three colors of construction paper. You will need about 12 hand prints. Cut out the hand prints. 
  3. Use the black marker to draw a cheerful face on your sun.
  4. Now turn the sun over and glue the hand prints around the edge to form the rays.
Sunshine Lunch
I made a pizza bagel into a sun lunch with carrot sticks and cheese sticks as the sun rays.  For the pizza bagel I took a plain bagel and added pizza sauce, cheese and pepperoni; then put it in oven until the cheese melted.  We had Capri Sun drinks too!

Sponge Water Bombs

  • Water
  • three 1/2-by-2 3/4-by-4 1/4-inch sponges
  1. Use new sponges, and be sure not to wet them; they are easier to cut straight out of the package.
  2. With a pen and a ruler, make five lines ½ an inch apart lengthwise on each sponge. 
  3. Use scissors to cut the sponges on the lines, you should have 6 stripes for each sponge.
  4. Lay strips on top of each other in three layers, six to a layer.
  5. Scrunch them all across the middle with a piece of string and tie a very tight knot. 
  6. Fluff pieces out into a ball. 
  7. Get them wet and throw them to into a pail or to get someone wet!

 Water Gun Fun
T loves to shoot squirt guns.
Baseball Craft
  • Paper Plate
  • Glue
  • Red glitter
  • Scissors
  1. Use the glue to draw the red sewn on lines on the white paper plate.
  2. Sprinkle red glitter on the glue.

    T likes to throw balls but he hasn't quite mastered swinging the bat yet.
    Take Me Out to the Ball Game
    We read Take Me Out to the Ball Game by Mark Meyers and then we shelled our own peanuts and ate Cracker Jacks.
    Watermelon Play Dough
    1.  Make a ball out of the red play dough.
    2.  Flatten a piece of the green play dough.
    3.  Wrap the green play dough around the red play dough.
    4.  Use a plastic knife to cut the watermelon into slices.

    Eat Watermelon
    One of T's favorite foods is watermelon.
    Paper Plate Watermelon Craft
  3. Red and green paint
  4. Paper plate
  5. Glue
  6. Paint brush
  7. Black beans
  1. Cut a paper plate in half.
  2. Paint the ridged outer area green and the inner area red.
  3. After it dries, glue black beans on for the seeds.

    Lemon Prints
  4. Paper
  5. Lemons
  6. Paint
  7. Knife
  8. Paper plate
  1. Cut 1 lemon in half and 1 into fourths.
  2. Pour paint onto a paper plate.
  3. Let the child dip the half and fourth pieces of lemon into the different colors of paint and press them onto their paper.

    Drink Lemonade
    We had strawberry lemonade.  T really enjoyed his.
    Water Balloons
    T loved the water balloons, and  liked to throw them and let them splash open.

    Ice Cream Waffle Breakfast
  4. Waffles
  5. Bananas
  6. Strawberries
  1. Cut the waffle in a triangle (cone shape).
  2. Slice the banana and place them on the small straight side of the waffle, spread them out to look like ice cream.
  3. Cut the strawberry in half and place it on the top of the bananas.
  4. Eat Ice Cream
    We had ice cream cones.

    Swimming Pool
    T got to help fill up the new pool.

    Beach Ball Play  

Like I said before, T loves balls including beach balls.
Painted Beach Ball
  • Paper plate
  • Paint
  • Black Marker
  1. Draw lines to resemble the lines on a beach ball. 
  2. Let the child choose which color they would like to use first and which section they would like to place it in.
  3. Have them finger paint with the paint.
  4. Repeat again until all the colors have been used and all the sections are filled. 
     Here is J's painted beach ball craft.


  1. I think it's really cool that T loves to play with beach balls when he goes swimming.
