August 28, 2012

Oceans Day 2 -Fish

Animals Called Fish by Bobbie Kalman

Fish are vertebrate animals that live in water Most fish are cold-blooded; which means that their body temperature changes with the temperature of the water around them. Fish can breathe underwater with their gills. Most fish swim by moving their tails left and right.

Label a Fish

  1. Draw pictures of the fish.
  2. Be sure to include the following body parts:
    gill slit,
    pelvic fins (lower front),
    anal fins (lower back),
    caudal fin (tail),
    dorsal fins (top of fishʼs back),
    and the pectoral fin (shoulder side fin).
  3. Then label the fish below.
J found the fish parts on our aquarium fish and then he drew a picture on the back of his paper out our African Rope Fish.

Fishing For Facts
I printed out the Fishing for Facts game board and gave J a stack of addition and subtractions flashcards that we have been working on.  He was to say the answer to the top card and flip it over to see if he was correct.  If he was correct he could color that many fish on the game board.
Scrambled Sentences
J practiced his sentence structure with the free Scrambled Sentences printout. 

Colorful Goldfish Graphing
  • Graph Chart
  • Colorful Goldfish Crackers
  • Markers 
1.  Give your child a handful of colorful Goldfish Crackers and a graph paper.
2.  Have your child estimate how many fish are in the handful.
3.  Sort the different colors of goldfish.
4.  Put 1 fish of each color on one of the first squares in each line on the graph.
5.  Record how many of each color.
6.  Add together all of the colors and find out how many fish there are.
Fish Mosaic Project
I printed out the Fish Mosaic Project onto cardstock.  J cut out the fish and the colored squares.  Next he glued the squares onto the fish trying to fill every white part.
Perfect Tens Go Fish
  • Paper Fish (I found these at Dollar Tree)
  • Marker
  • Lined notebook paper
  • One pencil per player
  1. Using your marker or crayon and write on the index cards or paper fish (need four cards each of the numbers 0-10 and four “WILD” cards).
  2. The object of the game is to get as many pairs of cards as you can that total 10. The winner of the game is the player with the most pairs of cards that equal 10.
  3. Deal each player 5 cards. The remaining cards are placed face down in a deck in the center of the table.
  4. If you have any pairs that total 10 in your first hand, put them down in front of you and replace those cards with cards from the deck.
  5. As you find combinations of numbers that equal 10, each player will use a pencil to write that addition combination on his paper.
  6. Take turns. On a turn, ask one of the other players for a card that will go with a card in your hand to make 10. (a "WILD" card can be whatever number you would like it to be to make a pair that adds up to 10.) 
  7. If you get a card that makes 10, put the pair of cards down. Then take one card from the deck. Your turn is over.
  8. If the player you asked doesn't have the card you asked for he says “Go Fish”
  9. If you do not get a card that makes 10 because the other player said “Go Fish”, take a card from the deck. Then your turn is over.
  10. If the card you take from the deck makes 10 with a card in your hand, put the pair down and take another card.
  11. If there are no cards left in your hand but still cards in the deck, take two cards.
  12. The game is over when there are no more cards left unpaired. Whoever has the most pairs of tens at the end of the game wins!

Drawing Flying Fish
J drew a Flying Fish on page 14 from It's Fun to Draw Sea Creatures by Mark Bergin

Mixed Up Fish
J colored the fish on 3 pages in Amazing Creatures of the Sea by Faber Castell. Then he cut them up on the lines and could lift up different parts of the fish and create crazy mixed up fish.

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