talked about the Inuit tribe in the Arctic region last time. Today
we will move to the Great Plains region (show on regional map) and
learn about the Sioux tribe.
Compare the regional map to the globe or map today and see what
countries or states are in the Great Plains region.
Fill out the Tribes Chart after reading each section. Have the child
listen closely to choose what word to put on the chart. Bold type
words are good suggestions.
- Habitat: Great Plains The original Lakota/Dakota homelands were in what is now Wisconsin, Minnesota, North and South Dakota. The Sioux traveled freely, however, and there was also significant Sioux presence in the modern states of Iowa, Nebraska, Montana, and northern Illinois, and in south-central Canada.
- Homes: The men would go hunting. The men would take the animal skins to the women, and the women would sew it together. They would get three poles and stick them into the ground. They would put the hide over the poles and tie them. Then they would decorate the tepee.
- Dress: The Sioux had jackets and pants made out of buffalo skins. Then when it got colder, they wore very thick gowns to keep them warm. They used the animal skins to make jackets and decorated the jackets.
- Food: They depended almost entirely on hunting for their survival. The buffalo were part of their life. It was a dangerous job to catch a buffalo. Not a single part of the buffalo was wasted after it was killed. The buffalo was used for everything including meat, clothing, tools, and objects for ceremonies. The Sioux moved from place to place hunting large game and gathered wild fruits, vegetables, and berries. The got other kinds of food through trade. They also fished and traded fish for pelts.
4. Read:
Sioux by
Rachel A. Koestler-Grack
- What region did the Sioux live in? Great Plains
- What kind of homes did the Sioux build? Tepee
- What kind of clothes did the Sioux wear? Buffalo skin jackets, gowns and pants
- How did the Sioux get their food? Hunted, gathered and fished
(Blackberry Dessert)
- 2 cups fresh or frozen blackberries
- 1 ½ cups sugar
- 1 ½ cups water
- 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- whipped cream, yogurt or ice cream
- mixing bowl
- measuring cups and spoons
- 2 quart sauce pan
- colander
- wire whisk
- large spoon
- Add the water to the blackberry juice in the mixing bowl.
Horse Biography
Crazy Horse
by Elaine Landau
Crazy Horse was born
to parents from two tribes of the Lakota division of the Sioux. His
father, born in 1810, was also named Crazy Horse. Crazy Horse the son
acquired his name was after having a vision. His mother was Rattling
Blanket Woman (born 1814).
In the summer of 1844, Crazy Horse went on a buffalo hunt. He came across a Lakota village under attack by Crow warriors. He led his small party of warriors to the village and rescued it.
On June 17, 1876, Crazy Horse led a combined group of approximately 1,500 Lakota and Cheyenne in a surprise attack against brevetted Brigadier General George Cook's force of 1,000 cavalry and infantry, and allied 300 Crow and Shoshone warriors in the Battle of the Rosebud. The battle delayed Crook's joining with the 7th Cavalry under George A. Custer. It contributed to Custer’s defeat at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
personal courage was attested to by several eye-witness Indian
accounts. Water Man, one of only five Arapaho warriors who fought,
said that Crazy Horse "was the bravest man I ever saw. He rode
closest to the soldiers, yelling to his warriors. All the soldiers
were shooting at him, but he was never hit." Sioux battle
participant, Little Soldier, said, "The greatest fighter in the
whole battle was Crazy Horse."
biography is simply the story of a life. Biographies can be just a
few sentences long, or they can fill an entire book—or two. They
can be very short that tell the basic facts of someone's life and
importance, or they can be longer that include that basic information
of course, with a lot more detail, but they also tell a good story.
are usually about a famous person, but a biography of an ordinary
person can tell us a lot about a particular time and place. They are
often about historical figures, but they can also be about people
still living today. Many biographies are written in chronological
order. Others focus on specific topics or accomplishments.
use primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are things like
letters, diaries, or newspaper articles; and secondary sources
include other biographies, reference books, or histories that provide
information about the subject of the biography.
write a biography you should:
Select a person you are interested in and find out the basic facts of
that person's life. Start with the encyclopedia or almanac.
Think about what else you would like to know about the person, and
what parts of the life you want to write most about. Some questions
you might want to think about include:
- What makes this person special or interesting?
- What kind of effect did he or she have on the world? other people?
- What are the adjectives you would most use to describe the person?
- Would the world be better or worse if this person hadn't lived? How and why?
Do additional research at your library or on the Internet to find
information that helps you answer these questions and tell an
interesting story.
Write your biography.
We did the activity on page 27 of Native
Americans A Complete Thematic Unit by Jill Norris and then we made our own Skin Story.
Discuss: The Plains Indians used pictures to tell stories. Each symbol meant something different. They would write their stories on buffalo skins and sometimes decorate their teepees with them.
- Brown Grocery Bag
- Bucket of water
- Brown Tempera Paint
- Sharpie
5. When the bag (skin) dryed we used the picture dictionary to write our own story.
Girl Who Loved Wild Horses
The Gift of the
Sacred Dog by
Paul Goble
1. These
books are book written and illustrated by Paul Goble. Have students
compare and contrast the two books.
- Both books start out with the Indians moving to look for buffalo.
- Both books have a child who left the camp for a day.
- Both book had a thunderstorm when the child was away.
- The Indians treat the horses like relatives.
- The illustrations of the sun and horses are very similar.
Girl Who Loved Wild Horses
The Gift of the Sacred Dog
-the girl left to a
year -the boy left for a night
-the illustration of the
thunderstorm is black -the illustration of the thunderstorm is in
-the girl ended up living
with the horses -the boy ended up back home with his family
Have students look at the sun at the beginning and end of The
Girl Who Loved Wild Horses
and in the middle of The
Gift of the Sacred Dog.
Then students can draw a sun with the narrow triangle rays similar to
the ones in the books.