October 13, 2012

Dinosaurs Day 12: Cretaceous Herbivore Dinosaurs

Cretaceous Herbivore Dinosaurs
Discuss: As you learn each dinosaur on this day look up the Dino Dictionary to see you to correctly pronounce their names, and find each dinosaur on the dinosaur classification chart that we made earlier.
Dinosaur Flashcards:
Ankylosaurus read I Am an Ankylosaurus by Karen Wallace and read/do pages page 6 in Dinosaurs:Diggin' Discovery (A+ Let's Grow Smart!).
Corythosaurus read Corythosaurus by William Lindsay and read/do pages page 25 in Dinosaurs:Diggin' Discovery (A+ Let's Grow Smart!).
Hadrosaurus read/do pages page 24 in Dinosaurs:Diggin' Discovery (A+ Let's Grow Smart!).
Hypsilophodon read Hypsilophodon by Graham Coleman
Iguanodon read Iguanodon Susan H. Gray read/do pages page 3 & 23 in Dinosaurs:Diggin' Discovery (A+ Let's Grow Smart!).
Pachycephalosaurus read Pachycephalosaurus by Daniel Cohen and read/do pages page 26 in Dinosaurs:Diggin' Discovery (A+ Let's Grow Smart!).
Parasaurolophus read Parasaurolophus by Daniel Cohen and read/do pages page 25 in Dinosaurs:Diggin' Discovery (A+ Let's Grow Smart!).
Protoceratops read Protoceratops by Kimberley Jane Pryor and read/do pages page 28 in Dinosaurs:Diggin' Discovery (A+ Let's Grow Smart!).
Styracosaurus read/do pages page 29 in Dinosaurs:Diggin' Discovery (A+ Let's Grow Smart!).

Dinosaur Journal: Draw a picture of your favorite Cretaceous Herbivore Dinosaur.

Ankylosaurus Information
Translation: fused lizard

Diet: herbivore

Period: Cretaceous period

Family: ankylosaurid

Height: 4 feet
Length: 35 feet
Weight: 4,800 lbs

Physical Appearance: Ankylosaurus was a huge armored dinosaur, and the biggest of the ankylosaurids. Like other ankylosaurids it walked on all 4 legs. Its entire top side was heavily protected from carnivores with thick, oval plates embedded in its leathery skin, 2 rows of spikes along its body, large horns that projected from the back of the head, and a club-like tail. It even had bony plates as protection for its eyes. It's skull was wider than it was long. The brain of Ankylosaurus was unusually small for a dinosaur.

Lifestyle: It had to eat a huge amount of low-lying plant material to sustain itself so its gut must have been very large. It probably had a fermentation compartment to aid in the digestion of the tough plant material, producing prodigious amounts of gas!

Discovered by: Ankylosaurus was named by Barnum Brown in 1908.

Directions: I printed out this Ankylosaurus Dot-to-dot page for J to color.

Corythosaurus Information
Translation: Helmet Lizard

Diet: Herbivore

Period: Cretaceous period

Family: Hadrosauridae

Height: 21 feet
Length: 30 feet
Weight: 5 tons

Physical Appearance: Corythosaurus had short arms, a long, pointed tail, three-toed, hoofed feet, and mitten-like hands. A hollow, bony crest adorned its head. This hadrosaur (duck-billed dinosaur) had a toothless beak, cheek pouches, and hundreds of closely-packed cheek teeth that ground up its food. Corythosaurus was a biped (it walked on two legs) that could also walk on four legs, perhaps to graze low-lying plants.

Lifestyle: Corythosaurus was a large, plant-eating, duck-billed dinosaur with a head crest. The crest may have been used to make sounds, as a cooling device, for courtship displays, and/or as a sense-of-smell enhancer.

Discovered by: Corythosaurus was named by Barnum Brown in 1914 from a fossil found in Alberta, Canada. (Find Alberta, Canada on the world map).
Directions:  J filled in the Corythosaurus Information Page to review what he learned.

Einiosaurus Information
Translation: buffalo lizard

Diet: Herbivore

Period: Cretaceous period

Family: Ceratopsidae

Height: 6.5 feet
Length: 20 feet
Weight: 2 tons

Physical Appearance: Einiosaurus had a long, forward-curving snout horn, two large bony-horns on its neck frill (and many smaller ones), and bony ridges over the eyes.

Lifestyle: Einiosaurus was probably a herding animal, like the other ceratopsians.

Discovered by: Jack Horner discovered the Einiosaurus fossils in 1985 in Montana.

Einiosaurus Charades
Act out how you think Einiosaurus walked, ran, jumped, slept, etc... What noises do you think Einiosaurus made when he was talking, sad, angry, etc...

Hadrosaurus Information
Translation: Sturdy Lizard

Diet: Herbivore

Period: Cretaceous period

Family: Hadrosauridae

Height: 15 feet
Length: 28 feet
Weight: 6,000 pounds

Physical Appearance: Its beak-shaped snout had no teeth; however, it had batteries of plant-grinding teeth in its jaws.

Lifestyle: It was likely bipedal to run more quickly, but could use its forelegs to support itself while feeding

Discovered by: In 1838, John Estaugh Hopkins was digging in a pit in New Jersey when he uncovered the large bones of Hadrosaurus.

Hadrosaurus Charades
Act out how you think Hadrosaurus walked, ran, jumped, slept, etc... What noises do you think Hadrosaurus made when he was talking, sad, angry, etc... Use your imagination!

Hypsilophodon Information
Translation: High-Crested Tooth

Diet: Herbivore

Period: Cretaceous period

Family: Hypsilophodontidae

Height: 2 feet
Length: 7.5 feet
Weight: 150 pounds

Physical Appearance: Hypsilophodon had a beak made of horn, cheek pouches, and 28-30 self-sharpening cheek teeth in a small skull 4 3/4 inches long, by 2 inches wide.

Lifestyle: About 20 Hypsilophodon fossils were found together on the Isle of Wight off the southern coast of England. This shows that Hypsilophodon may have traveled in herds.

Discovered by: It was named by Thomas Huxley in 1869.

Hypsilophodon Clay Model
Have the child use modeling clay to form a Hypsilophodon using the information given.

Iguanodon Information
Translation: Iguana Tooth

Diet: Herbivore

Period: Cretaceous


Height: 16 feet
Length: 26 feet
Weight: 10,000 pounds

Physical Appearance: Iganodon was a dinosaur that had a horny, toothless beak and tightly-packed cheek teeth. On each hand, Iguanodon had four fingers plus a conical thumb spike on each hand. The thumb spikes may have been used for defense or in obtaining food. Iguanodon had a flat, stiff tail and three-toed hind feet with hoof-like claws. Its legs were much larger than its arms.

Lifestyle: Iguanodon may have lived in herds.

Discovered by: Iguanodon was named by Gideon A. Mantell in 1825. Mantell recognized the similarity between Iguanodon's tooth and that of the modern iguana, except the Iguanodon's was much larger.

Directions: I printed out the following questions for J to answer as a comprehension drill.
Iguanodon Quiz 
1. What does the name Iguanodon mean?______________________ 
2. Was Iguanodon a plant-eater or a meat-eater?_________________ 
3. Iguanodon had something unusual on each hand. What was it?___________

4. Did Iguanodon have a beak? ______________________________

5. How long was Iguanodon?________________________________

6. What geologic period did Iguanodon live in? __________________

7. Was Iguanodon a solitary dinosaur or did it live in herds? ________

8. When was the first Iguanodon fossil found? ___________________

9. Who named Iguanodon? _________________________________

10. When did Iguanodon go extinct?___________________________

Pachycephalosaurus Information
Translation: Thick-Headed Lizard

Diet: Herbivore

Period: Cretaceous


Height: 10 feet
Length: 18 feet
Weight: 4,000 pounds

Physical Appearance: Pachycephalosaurus was a dome-headed dinosaur. Its huge head housed an incredibly thick skull, a tiny brain, and large eyes. This dinosaur had short forelimbs and a stiff tail.

Lifestyle: Pachycephalosaurus probably had a good sense of smell. It had bumpy knobs on its snout and along the rear of its skull.

Discovered by: Pachycephalosaurus was discovered in 1938 by William Winkley on the family ranch outside of Ekalaka, Montana, USA. It was named Pachycephalosaurus in 1943 by Barnum Brown and Erich M. Schlaikjer. (Find Montana, USA on the world map).

Directions: Fill out the Dinosaur Research Report with the information you learned about the Pachycephalosaurus.

Parasaurolophus Information
Translation: similar crested lizard

Diet: Herbivore

Period: Cretaceous


Height: 16 feet
Length: 33 feet
Weight: 7,000 pounds

Physical Appearance: It had pebbly-textured skin, a spoon-shaped beak, and a pointy tail. It may have had webbed fingers, giving it a mitten-like hand. It had a toothless beak and numerous cheek teeth. It had a very long head crest.

Lifestyle: Parasaurolophus was a bus-sized dinosaur that had a long, hollow, bony head crest that may have used to make sounds. Its sight and hearing were keen, but it had no natural defenses.

Discovered by: It was named by Dr. William A. Parks in 1922. Parasaurolophus fossils have been found in North America. (Find North America on the world globe).

Parasaurolophus Sounds
  • 3 sheets of construction paper
  • toilet paper tube
  • tape
  • paper towel tube
  • wrapping paper tube
  1. Read page 22 of Parasaurolophus by Daniel Cohen.
  2. Make one sheet of paper into a funnel shape and stick it in the end of the toilet paper tube.
  3. Tape the funnel around the tube so no air can get in.
  4. Make a buzzing sound by keeping your mouth closed but trying to blow air through your lips to make them vibrate.
  5. When you can do it, put the horn to your mouth and buzz through the horn.
  6. Try the same thing with the other other 2 tubes.
  7. How do they sound, which is the lowest sound? 

Probactrosaurus Information
Translation: Before Staff Lizard

Diet: Herbivore

Period: Cretaceous

Family: Iguanodontidae

Height: 12 feet
Length: 19 feet
Weight: 2,000 pounds

Physical Appearance:
Probactrosaurus' tail was tightly held up by tendons. The effect was that Probactrosaurus' tail stuck straight out.

Lifestyle: Probactrosaurus' hind feet each had one digit, or toe, that faced the opposite direction of its other digits, allowing it to grasp objects.

Discovered by: Found in China and Monglia, Probactrosaurus was similar to Bactrosaurus, and it may be an ancestor of the hadrosaurs. Probactrosaurus was named by Anatoly Rozhdeestvensky in 1966.

Directions: How many words can you make using the letters from Probactorosaurus?



Protoceratops Information
Translation: first horned face

Diet: Herbivore

Period: Cretaceous

Family: Protoceratopsidae

Height: 2.5 feet
Length: 6 feet
Weight: 900 pounds

Physical Appearance: Protoceratops had a large head, a bulky body, a parrot-like beak, cheek teeth, and a small frill on its head.

Lifestyle: Protoceratops was a quadruped (it walked on four legs).

Discovered by: This dinosaur was named by Granger and Gregory in 1923. Fossilized skeletons and eggs have been found in China and Mongolia.

Directions: Fill out the Dinosaur Research Report with the information you learned about the  Protoceratops

Saltasaurus Information

Translation: Salta Lizard

Diet: Herbivore

Period: Cretaceous

Family: Titanosauridae

Height: 16 feet
Length: 40 feet
Weight: 7 tons

Physical Appearance: Its broad back and sides were guarded by small bony studs and several bony plates.


Discovered by: Saltasaurus was discovered in 1980 by José Bonaparte and Jaime E. Powell in Uruguay. (Find Uruguay on the world map).

Saltasaurus Measurement


  1. Tape Meaaure
  2. Information about each dinosaur you want to measure


  1. Use the tape measure and stand on a deck to try and measure how tall a Saltasaurus was.
  2. Then use the tape measure to see how long the Saltasaurus was.
  3. Discuss with the children how big the dinosaur truly was.

Styracosaurus Information

Translation: Spiked Lizard

Diet: Herbivore

Period: Cretaceous

Family: Ceratopsidae

Height: 9 feet
Length: 17 feet
Weight: 6,000 pounds

Physical Appearance:
Styracosaurus was a short-frilled ceratopsian with 6 long spikes along the edge of its frill. Its snout was shaped like a parrot's beak.

Lifestyle: On its snout grew a horn that was nearly 2.5 feet long. Possibly it used this great horn for self-defense.

Discovered by: The first fossil remains of Styracosaurus were collected in Alberta, Canada by C.M. Sternberg and named by Lawrence Lambe in 1913.

Styracosaurus Mask

  • Large paper plate
  • Small paper plate
  • Green paint
  • Red paint (or and other bright color)
  • Blue paper (or any other bright color)
  • Glue
  • Black pen
  • Elastic
  1. Paint the front of the large paper plate in red and the back of the small plate in green. Leave to dry.
  2. Stick the small paper plate to the large one, sitting off centre so the larger plate forms a "frill".
  3. Cut two eye holes through the mask – it is difficult to cut through the two layers so ask an adult to help.
  4. Cut a horn from paper and glue to the middle of the face. Cut lots of small spikes and glue around the edge of the large plate. See our photos for guidance.
  5. Draw details of the face on with the pen.
  6. Finally, make a hole on each side of the mask to tie some elastic through.

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